
Come play with the CMEF volunteers : "Yes, 'volontiers'!"

During the coronavirus crisis, why not to interact with us the volunteers? CMEF thinks about everything – thinks about you.

After generations (and generations) of volunteers that have passed through the CMEF, our moment of digital glory has finally come. 🤓

Introducing “Volontiers!”, our Instagram series divided into two parts:

  • 1st part: we are going to create different challenges after consulting you on Instagram. We will then post them on social media. 
  • 2nd part: We are going to shoot some videos that stage a treasure hunt. You are going to help us solve some riddles through your comments on our videos.

Come meet your spirited CMEF volunteers: let's have fun and some interesting discussions ; discover what life looks like at CMEF and hone your French skills while you’re at it… you can also win some cool CMEF prizes every week. 😉

So, what do we answer to “come play with the volunteers?” We answer “Yes, volontiers!” 😌